2017- Tipaza Mission: Urology malformation
I Strategic objectives:
Promote institutional collaborative efforts
Promote a Peer-to-peer interaction and exchange
Foster global talent in healthcare and collective impact approach in addressing complex medical cases
Open communication channels between healthcare professionals in the US and their counterparts in Algeria
Launch Exchange programs (Visitors, students, scholars) in Healthcare between the U.S. and Algeria
II Clinical Objectives:
Consultation, Screening, Diagnosis, treatment plan
a. Adult pathologies:
Genital Prolapse
Complex Fistula Vesico-Vaginal
b. Children Pahtologies
Hypospadias anterieurs et posterieur (Recidives)
Urethroplatie par greffe de muqueuse Buccale
Diverticule de Hutch
Maladie de la junction Pyelo-ureterale sur rien ectopique
Cycstostomie chirurgicale
III. Academic Objectives:
Empowering/Training the operating Room Staff and creating a strong culture of safety in OR, Presented by Diane Noyes
Care of the newborn with Bladder Extrophy, presented by Dr. Brian Venderbrink
Pelvic floor Dysfunction and adult reconstructive surgical technique (Female incontinence), presented by Dr. Ayman Mahdy
Pediatric Reoperative Hypospadias Strategies, presented by Pr.Reddy Pramod
Advanced of pediatric anesthesia and regional anesthesia for urological procedures, presented by Dr. Kandil Ali
Breaking Myths surrounding BCG therapy for Bladder Cancer, presented by Dr. Fady Bitchini
Ureteroscopy for Urinary stocne in Children; Is it Safe choice? Presented by Dr. Asli
There was a total of 250 patients seen, 21 were treated including 7 adults and 14 children. 50 patients were diagnosed with Bladder exstrophies and were referred to the next mission as the second phase of Mission Tipasa. In order to help with the efficiency, the Cincinnati team brought a number of Medical supplies as well as an Urodynamic equipment. Too many people queued long before registration lines were open on all four days.
Alhurra newspaper :
US medical team Cincinnati in Action : https://youtu.be/9LmiLMFujf4
Dr. Pramod giving advices : https://fb.watch/2RxH3eaU4s/
Dr. Pramod training Algerian Doctors :
Before going to Algeria: https://fb.watch/2RyP3AHcxH/
Dr. Brian Vanderbrink: https://fb.watch/2RylqyBIZg/